2023 Fall Updates

New Vaccines: The CDC has approved 2 new COVID 19 vaccines for infants and children. Our office will initially only disburse those for infants and young children ages 6 months to 5 years. (For more information for older children and those with special needs, please see the enclosed charts).

The bivalent (2 strand) vaccine is now available for infants and children 6 mos to 5 yrs. If kids in this age group already received 2 original monovalent (1 strand) vaccines, they are to receive 1 dose of the new but reduced (0.2 ml/10 ug) bivalent vaccine 2 months or more after the last monovalent vaccination. If they received 1 monovalent vaccine previously, they are also to receive 1 dose of the new bivalent vaccine, but the full dose (0.25 ml/25 ug) 2 months or more after the last monovalent vaccination. If a child has already received 1 monovalent and 1 bivalent vaccine, a second bivalent vaccine is NOT necessary. If a child has not received any vaccines, they are to receive 2 full doses of the bivalent vaccine 1-2 months apart. If a child has already received 1 full dose of the bivalent vaccine, they are to receive another full dose 1-2 months after that initial dose. If a child has received 2 full doses of the bivalent vaccine no other vaccination is necessary.

Please let us know if you're interested in these vaccinations.

If a child tests positive for COVID-19 and is older than 2 years of age, they are to be quarantined for 5 days then retested. If still positive, they are considered contagious and would require a mask when in public. If negative, they would not be considered contagious and would not have to wear a mask when out in public.

A second new vaccine approved is for RSV (Nirsevimab-alip) and will be available by October 1, 2023. It is recommended for all infants 0-8 months during RSV season. The dose is weight dependent. Those less than 5 kg (11 lbs) will receive 50 mg IM x 1 dose. Those 5 kg (11 Ibs) or more will receive 100 mg IM x 1 dose. This dose will last for the duration of RSV season and will not require a second dose. Kids who are at high risk for RSV infection complications can get this vaccine if between 8-19 months. If you are interested in this vaccine, please check with your insurance carrier as these vaccines are very expensive (™$500.00) then let us know before October 1, 2023. After this date we will order these vaccines. VFC will pay for theses vaccines for those who are eligible.

Lastly, FLU season will soon be upon us. We have private vaccines but are still awaiting VFC vaccines. No significant changes have been made with these vaccines. We encourage those children with special needs get their vaccines as early as possible. Other children can also get their vaccinations at any time but most especially during our FLU/Halloween Clinic on October 28, from 11-3:00 pm. Our theme this year are the GHOSTS OF THE CIVIL WAR, Come and meet the men and women whose lives were lost much too early and HOW EXACTLY THEY FEEL ABOUT THAT.. IF YOU DARE!!!

Thank you for your cooperation!