“Children absorb a lot from their environments. That environment should convey in a million different ways that they are safe, and that they are important.”
Our facility is clean, charming, and creative, and is conveniently located near the Meadow’s Intersection (an excellent location for vaccination bribery!) Posters of favorite childhood characters adorn half of the walls, while challenging science motif posters cover the rest. These provide a Peddie friendly yet educational environment.
Our cozy facility and efficient staff allow us to pass those savings onto you in the form of fewer unnecessary office visits.
The facility is an ICAEL approved Echocardiographic Laboratory which assures the quality of our Echocardiograms.
The facility is equipped with Tele-medicine capabilities which encourage patients to send photos or other recordings of all ailments that can be captured on film to provide quick and easy diagnostics and possible treatments.
We are a practice that is embedded in the community thus providing easier access, understanding, and a common interest in the health and wealth of our community.